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Mission of Mercy: Free Dental Care Event

Date: Oct 11 - Oct 12, 2024
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Doors open at 5:00a.m. each day; early arrival encouraged

Hosted by the North Dakota Dental Association, North Dakota Dental Foundation, Delta Dental of Minnesota serving North Dakota, the North Dakota Mission of Mercy is a two-day, volunteer-staffed clinic to provide free dental care to any person in need. Patients from throughout the region are anticipated to be served during this event!

Who can attend

  • Adults and children of all ages who are in reasonably good health
  • Children under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
  • No photo ID, Social Security number or personal documentation required
  • Patients served on first come, first served basis

Services Provided

  • Cleanings
  • Fillings
  • Dental extractions
  • Limited treatment for partial dental appliances
  • Some root canals in front teeth
  • No narcotics onsite

How you can help

Volunteer - dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, translators and volunteers will staff the two-day clinic
Donate - both cash and in-kind donations are needed
Contact - 701-223-8870 Dr, Kami Dornfeld, Event Chair, ndmom@smilenorthdakota.org or Cheryl Feltman, Fundraising Chair CFeltman@dar


Mission of Mercy: Free Dental Care Event
Oct 11 - Oct 12, 2024
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